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Senator Kirby Endorses Mark Alliegro
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- Senator Kirby Endorses Mark Alliegro
March 4, 2014
Former Massachusetts State Senator Edward P. “Ned” Kirby today endorsed Mark Alliegro’s candidacy for Congress in the 9th Congressional District. “He looks like a great candidate and would be a very able Congressman,” stated Mr. Kirby.
A political leader on the South Shore for more than four decades, Ned was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in the 2nd Plymouth district from 1961 to 1967. From 1969 to 1976, he was a Plymouth Country Commissioner where he founded the Plymouth County Development Council and gained state backing for a countywide radio system for police communication.
He served six terms in the Massachusetts Senate representing Plymouth and Barnstable from 1981 to 1993. During that time, he served on the Senate Ways and Means, Transportation and Judiciary committees and was Assistant Minority Leader. The Senator was appointed as a Administrative Law Judge by Governor William Weld, and was an Appeals Judge in Workers Compensation. A longtime member of the Whitman Republican Town Committee, Ned has been a mentor to numerous Republican candidates and elected officials.
On Saturday, March 1, at the Plymouth County GOP 5th Annual Recognition Breakfast in Middleboro, Sheriff Joe McDonald paid tribute to Senator Kirby, calling him the “moral compass of the Plymouth County GOP.”
Cheers and a standing ovation followed Sheriff McDonald’s remarks.
“I am very honored and grateful to have the support of Senator Kirby, a dedicated and decent public servant who effectively served Plymouth County during his many years in government,” said Mark Alliegro.
Everything you need to know about the Conservative movement here in Plymouth County |
MASSGOP STATE CONVENTION ENDORSES BAKER-POLITO FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 22, 2014 CONTACT: Emmalee Kalmbach 617-523-5005 ext. 245 BOSTON — The MassGOP State Convention has endorsed Charlie Baker for Governor and Karyn Polito for Lieutenant Governor along with a full slate of candidates for statewide office. More than 2,500 enthusiastic delegates and guests energized Boston University’s Agganis Arena during a day of listening to political speeches, tributes to legendary Massachusetts Republicans, and voting for Republican candidates to appear on the primary ballot. Charlie Baker received 2,095 votes, or 82.708% of the total delegate count of 2,533. Mark Fisher received 374 votes, or 14.765% of the total delegate count, and there were 64 blank votes. “The convention’s overwhelming endorsement of Charlie Baker as our candidate for governor is a signal to all Massachusetts voters that we are putting forth an accomplished leader who can solve the many problems faced by our Commonwealth and make Massachusetts great. I congratulate Charlie, Karyn and all of our statewide candidates who today earned the support of an unprecedented, coordinated grassroots campaign that will energize voters and deliver victory in November,” said MassGOP Chairman Kirsten Hughes. The delegates at the MassGOP State Convention endorsed: Charlie Baker for Governor Karyn Polito for Lieutenant Governor Mike Heffernan for Treasurer John Miller for Attorney General David D’Arcangelo for Secretary of State Patricia Saint Aubin for Auditor Brian Herr for United States Senator – POSTED ON MAY 19, 2013POSTED IN: LOCAL NEWS Whitman Town Clerk Dawn Varley swearing in new school committee member Daniel Cullity. The town of Whitman held its annual town elections on Saturday, despite the lack of any contested races on the ballot. However, there were two races that had open seats that were up for grabs; two three-year term on the school committee and a one-year term on the planning board. Once the polls closed, the numbers were read from each of the four precincts and then a hand count was conducted to check for write in votes. Robert Trotta, who was on the ballot, secured one of the two school committee seats, leaving the second seat open for write-in votes An hour later, Town Clerk Dawn Varley shared the results for the open seat on the school committee. Dan Cullity was a write-in winner with 37. Cullity spent the day in front of town hall holding a campaign sign. Meanwhile, Richard Rosen gained enough write-in votes to edge out Harry Bates and Thomas Lauzon III for the one-year term on the planning board. Whitman’s election saw 511 of the town’s 9,600 registered voters head to the polls to cat a ballot on Saturday. |
Whitman Republican Town Committee News and Happenings
hitman Republican Town Commitee...
1910 100 Years 2010
The Whitman GOP needs YOU!
Contact Chairman Brian J. Bezanson at or Full and Associate members are always needed!
Upcoming Events & Meetings:
Your 2012 Elected Members of Whitman RTC to Serve for the next Four Years (Terms Expire 2016):
Ginny Whitmore
Vacant - Eleanor Nadell (deceased)
Gloria Knox
Steve Bois
Steven DeGrechie
Ann DeGrechie
Dan Salvucci
Dan Cullity
Geoff Diehl
KathyJo Boss
Steven DiTunno
Marty Lund
Wanda Lund
Pamela Levangie
Stephen Levangie
Donald McLean
Michael Ganshirt
Mary Alice Kirby
Ned Kirby
Carl Boss
Kathleen Boss
Brian Bezanson
Elonie Bezanson
Jamie Kirby
Dave Codero
Albert Cafferty
Kevin Lynam
Amanda Lyman
David Lynam
Kathleen Lynam
Dennis Chick
John Lunnin
Vacant - Charlie Pace (Deceased)
Your Whitman Republican Town Committee Officers, Members and State Committeewoman and State Committeeman:
Chairman - Brian Bezanson
Vice-Chairman - Dave Codero
Secretary - Elonie Bezanson
Treasurer - Kevin Lynam
Auditor - Steve DeGrechie
State Committeewoman Jean Falcone
State Committeeman Gordon Andrews
"Century" Club:
Virginia Whitmore
Mary Alice Kirby
Edward "Ned" Kirby
Full Members
Vacant - Charlie Pace (Deceased)
Steven DeGrechie
Ann DeGrechie
Dan Salvucci
Dan Cullity
Geoff Diehl
KathyJo Boss
Steven DiTunno
Chrissy Pruitt
Wanda Lund
Pamela Levangie
Stephen Levangie
Donald McLean
Michael Ganshirt
Albert Cafferty
John Lunnin
Associate Members
Honorary Members
Myles Casey
Anthony O'Brien
"Century Club" Members Forever Honored
Dorothy Benner
Herbert R. Corliss, II
Lloyd E. Patriquin
Charles Roth
Carole J. Barr
Elaine M. Foster
Lloyd H. Plasse, Jr.
Charles Pace
Eleanor Nadell
Committee Chairmen/Chairwomen
____ - ____ - Edward P. Kirby
____ - ____ - Edward Van Cor
____ - ____ - Martin Lund, Sr.
1990 - 1996 - Robert Stone
1996 - 1998 - Lloyd Plasse
1998 - 1999 - Desie Collins
1999 - 2012 - Steve Bois
2010 - 2011 - Brian Bezanson (Acting)
2012 - Present - Brian Bezanson
Our meetings are held the third Monday of the month at the Whitman Senior Center on Hayden Avenue across from historic Whitman Town Park.
Upcoming meetings and other important dates:
- Monday, January 26, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Monday, February 23, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Monday, March 23, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Monday, April 27, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Monday, May 18, 2015, 7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
- W-H and SSVT Scholarships Awarded - Wednesday, May 27 and Friday, May 20
- Monday, June 15, 2015, 7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
- Two months away for anyone considering to be a full member of the WRTC and duly elected in the Presidential Primary in 2016 to be enrolled in the party.
- Monday, July 20, 2015, 7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
- Announce to the State the intentions of the WRTC to submit 35 full members' names for election at Presidential Primary in 2016
- Monday, August 17, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Monday, September 21, 2015 7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
- Collect Committee member signatures by November for Republican Presidential Primary in 2016
- Monday, October 19, 2015 7:30 pm - Monthy Meeting
- Monday, November, 16, 2015, 7:30pm - Monthly Meeting
- Submit nomination papers for the slate of 35 members of the WRTC with signatures and also nominated and signed by ten persons who make the nomination for these names to be placed on the ballot for Republican Presidential Primary in 2016
E-Mail us at:
Please note: our old website is no longer in use:
The Massachusetts Republican Party is a voice for common sense in the Commonwealth.
We champion job creation, entrepreneurship, and small businesses, demand individual freedom, defend family values, and limit government and taxation. All the while, we protect fundamental basics such as public safety and public education.
These are the values of Massachusetts and the values of our party. Defending and promoting these values will generate new members, new resources and a new day for the MassGOP.
Economic Development
Massachusetts Republicans believe that economic growth benefits all people. We understand that economic growth will create new jobs and a healthy, self-sufficient community. By lightening the load on businesses from burdensome regulation and taxes, there is a better chance businesses will stay and expand in Massachusetts.
Government Reform
Massachusetts Republicans will continue to press for sensible reforms that hold government accountable and improves the quality of life for all citizens. We support a limited role for government in our society, and we believe that our state legislature has strayed from this mandate.
Fiscal Policy and Taxation
Massachusetts Republicans understand that in order for a government to run, it must collect money through taxes. We believe that our citizens have the right to demand that the funds be used properly and efficiently. Government should not take more than it needs. Republicans are working hard against a tax and spend legislature that knows no bounds. Government spending should only grow at a rate that is appropriate to keep it going as a small, efficient and effective body.
Public Safety
The Republican Party strongly stands for the protection of fellow citizens from crime and violence. We have consistently demonstrated our commitment to make certain that the rights of the people always stand above the rights of criminals while supporting the safety of those who are working to keep us safe.
Every citizen should have access to affordable healthcare without excessive government intrusion or control. Massachusetts Republicans support applying market-based solutions to achieve greater healthcare access, lower patient costs, and improve quality of care.
Massachusetts Republicans support efforts to make our state’s schools better by implementing education reform, insisting on accountability and higher standards from teachers and administrators and encouraging more parental involvement.
Anti-Poverty and Social Services
Massachusetts Republicans believe the best and most proven method of curtailing poverty is through a good education system, equal opportunity, personal achievement and economic growth. Republicans are dedicated to seeing that our fellow citizens lift themselves up and out of unfortunate circumstances to lead productive and independent lives.
Civil Rights and Individual Liberty
As Republicans, we enjoy the liberties guaranteed to us by the State and Federal Constitutions. Massachusetts Republicans believe that by promoting individual rights, we create a successful society. Individual freedoms are the building blocks of our community.
Family, Community and the Environment
Massachusetts Republicans know that there is nothing more important to the fabric of a society than family and community. We know we must do everything in our power to protect these institutions—strengthening families, supporting local governments, and promoting responsible environmental stewardship.
Last Updated: 3-25-2014